Thursday, May 19, 2011

News on upcoming news...

I really need to get better at updating the blog stuff. It seems unfair that all this great news of upcoming books has been laying fallow...waiting for the spring planting, as it were, when it could have been done weeks ago.

Well spring is now upon us, like it or not. Don't get me wrong. I'm so glad that winter is over, but now the yard is exploding forth with grass and brush that I now have to keep trimmed back lest they devour the house. And May has been a very rainy month thus far, so you can just imagine what I'm dealing with.

Bookwise, though, things are looking great. Over the next few days, I'm going to be releasing news on various Merry Blacksmith releases and other bits of news.

What's coming up?

How about news on Don D'Ammassa's incredible collection of science fiction? I asked for some space opera, and boy did I get some. I love these stories. Check out Translation Station details coming soon.

Also on deck is a new poetry collection from the Merry Blacksmith Press. Stay tuned for news on Child Eyes by Sarah DeSimone featuring artwork by Rose Sipperley. Truly great stuff and a fine addition to our poetry line.

In a month or two, look for the release of of an expanded and updated edition of The Joy of Booking by Bud Webster, author of the popular Anthopology 101 series. Bud's a long-time bibliophile and bookseller. This book will have all the ins and outs of the book dealing trade, useful in and of itself, but also useful for other types of dealers. Be on the lookout.

And I've been letting my art freak flag fly a bit lately, too. I may be sharing some info on that as well, and showcasing a few galleries and merch.

So like I said...lot's of stuff will be discussed and announced here over the next few days.

Don't miss out.


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